Lore Möslein Y-EHTG Educational Travel Grant

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Y-EHTG Educational Travel Grant in memory of Lore Möslein, designed to support young members of the EHTG community in expanding their professional experience and fostering international collaboration. This grant will provide financial support enabling Y-EHTG recipients to visit a clinic or laboratory within the EHTG network, preferably from another discipline or field of expertise fostering interdisciplinary communication and encouraging the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and techniques.

Grant Details
  • Grant Amount: €1,000
  • Application Deadline: March 31st, 2025
  • Grant Usage: Awardees have 1 year to utilize the funding for their travel

How to Apply

Applicants are responsible for identifying a suitable clinical unit or lab within EHTG to visit. We are also happy to assist in finding an appropriate group if needed. To apply, please submit the following:

1. 500-Word explanation
  • Detailing why you want to visit the chosen clinic/lab and what you hope to achieve
2. Letters of support
  • From your supervisor and
  • From the host lab/group you plan to visit
3. 1-page CV

Additional Information

  • International travel is highly encouraged to promote global networking and collaboration.
  • This opportunity is exclusively for Y-EHTG members.
  • Awardee Commitment: Recipients will be invited to present their travel experiences and outcomes at the next EHTG meeting.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to advance your career and contribute to the broader EHTG community. Start preparing your application today! For questions or assistance with finding a group, please contact Saskia Haupt, Y-EHTG Representative (contact@SaskiaHaupt.de).

Applications should be submitted as a single PDF document to the email address y-ehtg@ehtg.org with the email heading "Y-EHTG Educational Travel Grant".

Travel Grants

A very important goal of the EHTG is education. Y-EHTG is dedicated to support junior scientists on their path to successful independent career development. We are thrilled to announce new opportunities for travel grants at Y-EHTG:

Contact Information

1. Direct contact Y-EHTG
Chair: Saskia Haupt

2. European Hereditary
Tumour Group Secretary:
Gabriele Sponholz
+49 (0)160 84 59 502

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